Friday, 18 April 2014

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Week 5 TUDYDESK and my EDC 1300 Friend there is lot of information about Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Blooms Taxonomy is a framework that I have believed in my teaching pedagogy for effective classrooms. The framework elaborates by Bloom consists of six major categories and each category contain sub categories all lying in a continuum from simple to complex and concrete to abstract (Armstrong, 2012). According to Forehand (2012), Blooms Taxonomy has also closely linked with multiple intelligence (Noble, cited in Forehand, 2012) problem solving skills, creative and critical thinking and more recently, technology integration.

Below framework shows that student‘s to think from simple stages linking to high order thinking skills.  

Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy

Other thing I have notice is   Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy. i believed that  is very useful for teachers as a guideline to plan lessons for the children which integrate ICT tools. Moreover, the learning that teachers plan for children will start from lower level and moves on to higher level. What children have learnt from the previous level will also bring to the next level to apply their knowledge.

 For example, at REMEMBERING level, children have to do finding by searching for online information. When comes to the next level – UNDERSTANDING, children will learn to compare on the searching they had done and comment about it. Then, it goes on to the next level until the highest level which is the CREATING. Therefore, teachers can use Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy to plan many different ICT lessons for children using different ICT tools.

 For extra information I had found this  link read this and understand more about
What is Bloom’s Taxonomy?
What do the Cognitive and effective Taxonomies involve?

How does Bloom’s Taxonomy apply to Language teaching?

Armstrong. F (2012) the center for teaching, Vanderbilt university. Retrieved from

Forehand. M (2012) Blooms taxonomy. University of Georgia,  retrieved from

Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy. [image]. (2014). Retrieved from

Thursday, 17 April 2014

little Quiz in Week 5

Week 5 study desk there is little quiz section. I had attempted the quiz which only allowed us to do one time.
There is 3 different questions I got one wrong. The question I did not do correctly was the middle question.

Is the following statement, True or False
0.435 is bigger than 0.76
Select one:


The correct answer is 'False'.

Is the following statement true or false?
1.80 is greater than 1.8
Select one:


1.80 is the same number as 1.8
The correct answer is 'False'.


How many minutes in 4.25 hours?


4.25 hours is the same as 4 hours (4 * 60 minutes) + one quarter of one hour (15 minutes). That's 240 minutes + 15 minutes = 255 minutes.

The correct answer is: 255

I love to do quizzes and fill in the blanks kind of activities 

Monday, 14 April 2014

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)

My friend Diana's  straightforward and simple post here TPACK. I would like think that model/ acronym has the right to do so. When I first seen that model I have some kind of interest to explore that model. I think it is very useful model for teachers in preschool educations.

TPACK is the short for Technology, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge.

This diagram and below YouTube video is a great representation for the TPACK importantly the blue circle around the outside represents this. The idea that is what is good for one is not likely to be good for another supports this representation. There should be alignment between the content, the pedagogy and technology that you use – they should match and support each other. Not only is the right ICT to be chosen but a tool by itself doesn’t mean that a certain type of learning outcome will be achieved, it is how the tool is used that can have positive implications. I have found this diagram depicting TPACK an extremely useful one.

I am definitely looking forward trying it all during my professional experience.