Wednesday, 19 March 2014


I really want to share this YouTube video with my friends. I enjoyed watching this video because it made me think critically about my future classroom in terms of my teaching and how my students are learning. I really enjoy finding new information and integrating new forms of technologies in my teaching. I truly believe no one sees more clearly than us educators, how the technologies we use in our daily lives influence how students learn. Students have changed, educators have changed, and learning itself has changed. Also learning tools have evolved accordingly.

This is a student's final video project for Master in Education Media and Design Technology.  This video asks faculties that teach students of different age categories to consider "What if they incorporate appropriate technologies to help prepare their students for success in the 21st Century".


I did not have any clue or any experience about the IWB before starting my BECH programme. During my journey of education I learned a lot of new versatile digital tools that can help increase students’ achievements in all levels

As a future educator I want to encourage all the teachers to make use of resources like IWB or other forms of ICTs in their activities to make it more rich and interactive.

IWB allows teachers and students to interact with the content projected from the computer screen onto the whiteboard. Virtually anything that can be done in a computer can be done on the large screen of the IWB.

Functions of IWB

Using interactive applications on IWB

IWB are educational tools that increase levels of interaction, communication, collaboration and engagement in learning and teaching situations (Northcote, 2010). I believe IWB is a digital tool that helps students to manipulate with text by using their fingers and pens, making learning more active, kinaesthetic, and engaging. The whole class can be engaged in interactions; and lessons can be saved and played later for students who need more time. IWB can be used in all levels of learning including Preschools and higher education.
Below YouTube video explains how to use the IWB and its function that can be used for educational purpose. I believe IWB is a great technology, in fact the best educational resources for integrating ICTs in early year setting.

I found some interesting games and activities which is suitable for preschoolers to explore specific topics using IWB through the websites:

Northcote., (2010). Interactive whiteboards: Interactive or just whiteboard? Journal of Education Technology 4, 494-510.

Oxford University Press ELT. (2014, march19). An Introduction to Interactive Whiteboards [Video]. Retrieved from

Midnight music. (2014). 10 excellent ways to use an interactive whiteboard in your music classroom. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from


ICT – What is it?

ICT (information and communications technology - or technologies) is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning. ICTs are often spoken of in a particular context, such as ICTs in education, health care, or libraries.

What is Pedagogy? 

Pedagogy is the way we teach, the strategies behind our teaching and the focus of our teaching. Pedagogy is also about learning; one cannot teach without being a learner. Understanding what is involved in the process of being a learner is part of pedagogy.

Today, this understanding is more important than ever. Educators need to encourage learners (including ourselves) to be creative, adaptable and innovative to fulfil this future. According to Thibault (2000) visual aids are key tools in learning and development since they help increase a student's interest in a subject. They help break the mundane cycle in certain settings, such as in classrooms. Visual aids also tend to be more interactive, helping an audience become more engaged in their own learning.

In one of my colleagues blog I found that the blogger Sanna posted a link to a YouTube on versatile tablet and her reflection. As I read the post and watched the video I felt truly inspired by it. Visit Sanna's blog here Sanna Ahmed's Blog

It reminded me of my childhood education. We never get any opportunities to explore and play with tablets, computers or any ICT tool in our education setting. But today with the aid of these ICT tools children can learn things in different ways. Children focus their attention and interest to the lessons when ICT is incorporated. Due to this factor I strongly believe it is important for educators to be ICT literate and is capable of using ICTs smartly in classroom to maximise student’s learning. 

Watch the YouTube video and follow the link below for better understanding of ICT and  how it help in our education today. 

Rouse, M. (2005). What is ict. Retrieved March 15, 2014,

Sunday, 16 March 2014


Week 2 of EDC3100, my journey starts with developing a mind map of what I thought of ICTs and how I could bring it to my classroom.

Click to enlarge

I have broken the map into the categories what, why, when, how and who. This is a very beneficial resource that took me the whole week to develop. Also it is great way to organise new information and brainstorming topics. Now my plan is to research into what I want implement my classroom activities.

Reading Kathleen blog post “ICT - a Teaching Transforming” I found one particular post discussing about Smart Board or Interactive White Board (IWB), which I would like to see in the classrooms of today. Follow the link to read about this post

This post is very interesting she wrote her experience about smart board and how important if for our classrooms today.

Experiencing a Smart Board
Yes as we know it is a very great ICT tool used today.

From my understanding and my friends saying smart board or IWB is a new instructional technology, which is used in many schools as a replacement for traditional chalkboards. Many of the educators see Interactive whiteboard (IWB) as a versatile digital tool that can help increasing student’s achievement in all levels. I will find out it and write more about on my new blog posts. Please stay with touch.

If you would like to know more about the importance of mind map or the concept of it in teaching please feel free to go through the following link.