Monday, 25 August 2014

How to Praise Children

How to Praise Children

Learn the best way to praise children effectively in order to increase positive behaviors and decrease a child behavior problem.
Saying things, such as “Good job!” after a child does something positive, can work well to increase behavior, but there are some important things to remember when using praise as a reinforcer to maximize its benefits especially when you are dealing with defiant children.

1. Use Descriptive Praise

When you praise children, it’s important to use descriptive praise by stating the exact behavior you are praising. For example, if your child helped you pick up his or her toys you may say something like this, “Awesome job cleaning up your toys!” If your child brushed his or her teeth, you may say something like this, “Way to go brushing your teeth!”

2. State why the behavior is important.

Consistently letting a child know why a behavior is important will help him/her to learn why you are always asking them to do it. Over time this will help the child to believe the behavior is important as well. 

For example, again for picking up toys you would say, “Awesome job cleaning up your toys!” and you would also say, “That really helps mommy/daddy around the house so we don’t trip and fall.” For brushing teeth you would say, “Way to go brushing your teeth!” and also say “Now your teeth are nice and clean, so you don’t get any painful cavities.” 
3. State how proud you are of him/her and that he/she should be proud of him/herself.

Children love to be told that you are proud of them, but it is even more important for them to be proud of themselves. This helps to instill positive self-esteem. So, with all three important ways to praise children you might say something like this… “Awesome job cleaning up your toys! That really helps mommy/daddy around the house, so we don’t trip and fall on your toys. I’m so proud of your responsible behavior. You should be really proud of yourself!” 

“Way to go brushing your teeth! Now your teeth are nice and clean, so you don’t get any painful cavities. I’m so proud of you and you should be proud of yourself for taking responsibility and brushing your teeth!”

Sometimes things can become too focused on compliance without emphasizing why the actual behavior is important to the child as a way to gain natural compliance because your child begins to understand the importance and feels proud of his/her behavior, both natural reinforcers.

This type of praise also works well with children that have Asperger syndrome behavior and ADHD. 

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Difficulty in sleeping!

Recently, I had the opportunities to meet many families child with autism. 50% of a the families tell me that their children have difficulties in sleeping. So this post I want share some information about sleeping

Difficulty in sleeping is a very common problem with children on the spectrum. As many as 50% of children on the spectrum experience some difficulty sleeping. This can be a real problem for both the child and parents getting their needed rest. For the children, who already have fragile nervous systems, lack of sleep will compound any other difficulties (sensory, emotional, behavioral, etc.) they are experiencing. Steady sleep patterns are essential to keep the nervous system calm and organized. Listed below are several of the common strategies used to stabilize sleep patterns.

1. Consistent bedtime routine: The body needs to calm down and relax in order to sleep effectively. One of the best ways to stabilize sleep is establishing a consistent, relaxing routine before going to bed. The child should go to bed and rise at the same time every day. This helps establish a consistent sleep cycle for the body. The bedtime routine should consist of a sequence of relaxing events that lowers the child’s arousal level. This means avoiding video games and high stimulating activity for the last 45-60 minutes of the evening. Common activities in bedtime routines are taking a bath, brushing teeth, toileting, getting out clothes for tomorrow, getting a drink of water, reading a story, snuggling in bed, saying prayers, etc. Keep the same sequence of tasks each evening to build a consistent routine. This helps prepare the body for sleep.

2. Lessen any environmental distractions: If the child is a light sleeper, noise and activity going on in the house can disturb his sleep. Also, common noises occurring outside can be distracting for them. If needed, try using a consistent background noise (environmental tapes, soft music, white noise machine, fan, etc.) that will mask any other noises. Next, lighting can be an issue. If the child is scared of the dark, then a night light may be needed. Or, are there outside light sources that are disturbing your child’s sleep (street lights, house lights, etc.)? If so, make sure they are blocked out. Another factor that could disrupt sleep is temperature. If the room is too cold or too hot, the child’s nervous system will stay on high alert and not be able to sleep. Lastly, be aware of any tactile sensitivity that may present problems for your child. Are the pajamas a material that he feels comfortable in? How about the sheets and blankets? If any of these are too scratchy for the child, the nervous system will not relax.

3. Favorite video or song: Although you want to limited electronics that actively engages the child, for some children, having the same favorite video playing in their room each night often calms and sooths them. They typically do not watch it; just having the familiar scripts in the background relaxes them. These favorite videos or music can represent security in something they love, blocks out other noise, and gives them a familiar sensory pattern that calms and regulate them.

4. Deep pressure and snuggables: Deep pressure calms the nervous system and can promote sound sleeping. Provide large pillows, stuff animals, or a body pillow to snuggle with. Lots of heavy blankets, or a weighted blanket, can assist with sleeping. Also, some children love the feeling of being wrapped up in a sleeping bag. Snuggling with a pet, or simply having one sleeping in the same bed, will often sooth and relax the child.

5. Diet and exercise! The three basic components to an organized nervous (sleep, diet, and exercise) all affect each other. A good diet and lots of physical activity will help stabilized the nervous system so it will sleep better. However, try to avoid arousing physical activity for the last hour before bedtime.

6. Avoid frequent napping during the day. If your child is having difficulty sleeping at night, try and avoid a lot of napping throughout the day. If naps are needed in mid-day, try and keep it short (30 minutes or less) and occurring at the same time every day.

7. Medical concerns: If the child has gastrointestinal problems, upper respiratory problems, or any other acute medical concerns, these can keep the nervous system on “high alert”, thus keeping it from falling asleep. Sleep apnea could also be a factor. If your child has any of these difficulties seek medical help to lessen their impact.

8. Sensory integration problems: If the child has sensory processing issues, they often have problems modulating their arousal level, making it difficult to fall, or stay asleep. Their nervous system may be too “wound up” to fall asleep. A good sensory diet throughout the day can help calm and organize the nervous system.

9. Sleep aids: Melatonin has been an effective sleep aid for many children on the spectrum. It is used very frequently with minimal, if any, side effects. There are a host of other sleep inducing supplements and medications that can be prescribed, but should be used as a last resort. Seek out your doctor’s advice when using these.


Saturday, 24 May 2014

Completing my journey

Back on the journey of completing my assignment and found this good little educational website when researching the learning styles that I believe in. i found ENHANCING EDUCATION is very god website covers multiple intelligence , cooperative learning and 5E's model. i like article 5E model it says that is instructional model based on the constructivist  approach to learning,which says leaners build or construct new ideas on top of their old ideas.
Worldwide research has shown that ICT can lead to improved student learning and better teaching methods. A report made by the National Institute of Multimedia Education in Japan, proved that an  increase in student exposure to educational ICT through curriculum integration has a significant and positive impact on student achievement, especially in terms of "Knowledge・Comprehension" · "Practical skill"  and "Presentation skill" in subject areas such as mathematics, science, and social study.
However, you can see that there are many education technology solutions provided in the world which may cause confusion among educators about how to choose the right ICT solution. Let's have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of ICT tools for education and discover what kind of education ICT solution is suitable for your school needs.
1‧Through ICT, images can easily be used in teaching and improving the retentive memory of students.
2‧Through ICT, teachers can easily explain complex instructions and ensure students' comprehension.
3‧Through ICT, teachers are able to create interactive classes and make the lessons more enjoyable, which could improve student attendance and concentration.

1‧Setting up the devices can be very troublesome.
2‧Too expensive to afford
3‧Hard for teachers to use with a lack of experience using ICT tools

i believed technology provides opportunities to make a learning environment more student-centered, collaborative, multi-sensory, inquiry-based, and reflective. More important, technology is making information more accessible to students and teachers.
Keep learning! Can’t wait to be a teacher!

Friday, 23 May 2014

Assignment 3

I have completed my Assignment 3 – Part B 
I have read through the documents and examples provided on the study desk, rearrange the in formations and details that I acquired online and through text books. 
Couldn’t agree that it is an easy job but it is not as hard as I think. 
In this part I have briefly introduce the School context and the School that I am doing my practical right now. Then I draw up the points and ideas that I have in planning and preparing my lessons. 
This is the few point I have put into my essay:
- The Computer Practice Framework (CPF)
- Connectivism and Constructivism
- Student-led learning
- Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

I hope I make my point very clear in this essay and score well.  

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Interactive white board

Reading my friend safee blog I found very interesting post that is using the technology of today in the classroom .This post let my mind go searching IWB.

I have been searching for visual demonstration of successful use of interactive white board in early childhood. I have discovered slideshares a site that has wonderful   educational slide show that can be share with colleagues. I found one about the interactive whiteboard which I have found very informative and relevant to the early childhood classroom.

IWB are educational tools that increase levels of interaction, communication, collaboration and engagement in learning and teaching situations (Northcote, 2010). I have chosen this topic ‘IWB’, as I believe IWB is a digital tool that helps students to manipulate with text by using their fingers and pens, making learning more active, kinesthetic, and engaging. The whole class can be engaged in interactions; and lessons can be saved and played later for students who need more time. IWB can be used in all levels of learning including Preschools and higher education.

Northcote., (2010). Interactive whiteboards: Interactive or just whiteboard? Journal of Education Technology 4, 494-510.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Digital smart pen

Digital smartpen, I think some people heard about this before and some might not. So, let’s me share something about this digital smartpen. A digital smartpen is looks and writes like a ballpoint pen. There is a small computer inside the digital smartpen, and a tiny camera to record the position of the pen tip (Coursey, 2011). Moreover, with the use of special paper, the digital smartpen can records whatever the child taps or touches or the parent writes or draws. At the same time, the audio recording digital pen plays back the sounds recorded when the pen taps the paper or is used for handwriting. Recorded audio and text can be played back by touching the pen to the dot paper at the desired point. By using digital smartpen, children are able to read with others or by themselves.

The other thing i found  was  leap reader pen. leap pen  helps to  built-in speaker as they trace out letters in the provided workbook and eggs them on with encouraging words, flashing lights and sounds.
The paper in the workbook incorporates embedded ink, which means a child just needs to press down with the pen to make a stroke. The pen doesn't write on any other paper or surface apart from the special paper provided in the workbook, which means we don't have to worry about kids using it to scribble on walls.

If you want to know more about it, there are some extra readings about digital smartpen as below


Coursey, S. (2011). Digital smartpens learning resources for helping kids read. Retrieved on October 1, 2014 from

Wednesday, 14 May 2014


After reading through my friend Sana blog post Martha Stewart Craft studioI would like to do some research about the kids app and sites a found this kidblog. kidblog  is a wonderful resource for student blogging. According to kidblog website, "is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog. Kidblog's simple, yet powerful tools allow students to publish posts and participate in discussions within a secure classroom blogging community. Teachers maintain complete control over student blogs."  Kidblog has several advantages over other blogging sites:

·         create classroom discussions
·         learn digital citizenship
·         practicing writing skills
·         create an e-portfolio
·         reflect on learning
·         formatively assess writing

Since kidblog is free so I think it is very good opportunities for children to have this blogging experience. But teacher needs to be aware on what children are sharing if it is very personal or related to the family background or religion. 

Teachers with apps. (2014). Kidblog – simply wonderful classroom tool. Retrieved April  29, 2014 from

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Raising good digital citizens

What is digital citizenship? Why digital citizenship important to us? Actually digital citizenship is a concept for teachers and parents to understand what children should know to us technology appropriate ( Ribble 2014). Digital citizenship is more than just a technology tool: it is a way to prepare students / technology users for society full of technology.

·         Today's kids need new skills to behave safely and responsibly online.
·         Good digital citizenship follows the same basic rules as good citizenship in the offline world.
·         Filters only prevent some kinds of unsuitable material being accessed via your computer; parents still need to be vigilant.
·         It's important for parents to model good online behaviour – such as courtesy, obeying the law (not downloading something illegally) and protecting yourself.

For extra reading click on the title blow:-


 Ribble, M. (2014). Nine elements of digital citizenship. Retrieved may  11, 2014

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

ICT in education and learning

Technology is ubiquitous, touching almost every part of students live, student’s communities, student’s homes, schools. There are varieties of technologies tools available like computer, tablet, digital camera .iPad and video games are great tool to support students learning.

 Seen below YouTube video I understand students love using new technologies in their learning. And It makes life easier to teachers and increases their own learning.

ü  Increased ICT capability – once teachers understood the value of utilising ICTs for learning and had increased their own capabilities with the technologies, they were able to incorporate their new expertise into the curriculum. Over time the teachers also developed confidence and encouraged the children to increase their usage of the available equipment. There was evidence across all of the centres of children’s increased capability in using ICTs and the children largely chose the activities that they wanted to be involved in.
ü  Transformation of pedagogical practice that leads to an enhanced community of practice – a shift in power relations transformed teachers’ practice, and children were given the autonomy to lead their own learning. A number of teachers indicated that they had made changes to the way that they interacted with children, the teachers listened more and were less directive, allowing children the opportunity to voice their ideas and thoughts.
ü  Enhanced learning outcomes for children – ICT tools were regularly used to enhance children’s learning experiences through the diverse learning opportunities that they provided. ICTs provided methods that helped the children to become more engaged and enabled them to consider their existing interests in new ways. Literacy, in particular, was an area that saw significant enhancement in the ways that children were able to engage with and develop their literacy skills.

I agree my friend ymtengkunuraulia blog post disabled  but highly capable. she mentioned that many ways we can help child with disabilities increase their skills and abilities using ICT tools . 


Hatherly, A. (2009), ICT and the greatest technology: A teacher’s mind. Early Childhood Folio, 13, 7-11

Amplivoxsound. (2011). Top 10 reasons to use technology in education: iPad, tablet, computer, listening centers. [Video]. Retrieved March 11, 2013,

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Cyber smart

Did some readings and activities from Study Desk, one of the activities require us to sign up to Connected. Which is an innovative, self-paced online Cyber smart educational program that offers teachers the knowledge, confidence and resources to help students stay safe online. i seem to be very important activities for our kids as well as teachers have to know about it . 
 My friend Kathleen blogs she provides information about gateway to online safety resources. read it and get to know more information about the cyber smart. 

On Saturday class our lecture also understanding about online risk and unsafe behavior are important. as teacher we have to be aware children of cyber safety issues and how safety they behave online .

Here are some ways teachers can help students:-

Give them a quiz like cybersmart . this quiz will find how cyber smart are you? 

How does the quiz work?

You will be guided through 11 questions by Sam. She will help you and tell you what you need to do. In each question you will need to make a decision about what you would do. 

Another good website I found is commonsensemedia
 Materials are designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world.

Through these  kind of videos and quiz’s we can encourage students to stay connected to supportive family and friends online and offline. 

Thank you 

Monday, 5 May 2014

First week PRAC reflection

I started my teaching practice a week ago and now I am heading for my week two.

I believe my last week teaching was good and gain lot of knowledge and experience s. But I found quite challenging this time because we need to implement ICT in our learning resources. In this school most of the teacher like to teach traditional teaching style but they use commuters and other ICT tool in class room context.
Last week my focus was science (planting)

In this activity the students are taken out to observe nature. They will be looking at tees, little plants, leaves and also collecting the leaves that have fallen on the ground. They also will be looking at the animals and the little creatures that live in the trees. According to John Locke learning occurs through senses, moving simple to complex (cited in Gutek). Which supports my teaching methods? The students are observing nature through their five senses and learning what they see and moving on to the complex methods like learning to name the different parts of the plant.

In second day we plant seeds and we keep planting pot different location of the school indoor, outdoor and observe every day same time.
In this lesson students understand respect for the beauty and value of plants and the nature environment. Student learned various condition affect the growing of plants. They also compare the love and care needed by plants to the love and care needed by people also. Students also measure and observed the growth of their seedlings.

End of the week we compiled all the pictures we took and make video presentation.  Have a look 

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Let’s Start! Assignment 3

This is the week I start my assignment 3 practical.
Wasn’t nervous at all because this is not my first time doing it. i prepared my  3 weeks plan so now i am fully ready to deal with  my kids.  But I am concern about how to go about with assignment 3 papers or works that I need to submit to USQ. I am afraid I do it the wrong way and submitting wrong information.
I have gone through the study desk now  have more ideas on it.
The following table provides an overview of the components of this assignment.
Learning journal
As per assignments 1 and 2
500-1000 words. A description of your Professional Experience context and how you plan to integrate ICTs into the lessons you teach.
Lesson plans
5 of the lesson plans you taught on Professional Experience, including reflection.
Evaluation and lessons learned
1000-1500 words. Evaluating your ICT integration on Professional Experience and identifying lessons you've learned for next time.

I hope that I will have better understanding for this Assignment 3 after attending the next following class on Saturday.

Wish me luck! Hope I score well for this subject!
I found lot of good information about my friend kathleenkan blog. she updated us on practicum scheduled for 3 weeks and other information related on assignment 3.. have a look ......

Thank you

Monday, 28 April 2014

Finding idea for my lessons

Always I research activities before going to teach my children. I believe there can never be a successful teaching without a careful organised lesson plan. Lesson plan are vital component of the teaching –learning process. Proper lesson planning will keep teachers organised and on track while teaching, thus allowing them to touch more help students reach their objectives more easily and manage less. 

The better prepared the teacher is the more likely she /he will be handle whatever unexpectedly happens on the lesson.

Some my friends always told me that they don’t have time to write lesson plan in every day. I think in that case the teacher may use ready plans and keep it in different computer folder. Because for later not to spend too much time trying to find correspondence materials.

I found my friend and zoeg logs i found lot of resources which is helpful for our teaching.   

have a look below sites it's also help me out..

teachingideas. they have thousand free lesson idea and activities for teachers and parents.

lauracandler  Here you'll find hundreds of printables and activities that make powerful teaching easy. super cool unique idea for teaching and learning

another interesting thing I found was scootle

I hope this will helpful for our teaching and learning.:) :) :) 

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Preparing for teaching practice

Nearly one week closer to my Professional Experience I am beginning to think of critical questions I must ask the school before I arrive. To be prepared for my classroom context, I must know;
- The students and their diversity.
- The available ICTs in and outside the classroom (library resources)
- The teachers belief of ICT integration

So I made I list of things getting to know before start my teaching practice

ü  Visit my prac school and meet my teacher or mentor and get familiar about the school activities and classroom
ü  Decide year level and curriculum going to teach children
ü  Plan some activities for children
ü  Dress code

Also I research some tips for professional practice too.
v  Always  be early or on time
v  Be professional – dress cord, looks appeal
v  Be flexible – you do not know what the teacher you are going to work with will be, what the demands are, what needs they have of you, so be ready for anything
v  Be friendly with all the staff – they will help you
v  Plan ahead – briefly you can give some idea ideas to cooperative teacher, or find some values that you have will just make the experience a lot better – keep a good pace in your classroom – do not panic if you feel little behind – you can always ask other teachers to help
v  Be cooperative – work with people and helps a lot
v  Give it your all – give all your effort to learn teaching – it will get a lot of years to get into it
v  Observe as many teachers as you can
v  Know your limitations and boundaries and call your union when you are in doubt
v  Work on a classroom management  style – it takes time to learn your curriculum, it takes the
v  Do not be afraid to seek out a better situation – if this does not work for you, move on