Wednesday, 7 May 2014

ICT in education and learning

Technology is ubiquitous, touching almost every part of students live, student’s communities, student’s homes, schools. There are varieties of technologies tools available like computer, tablet, digital camera .iPad and video games are great tool to support students learning.

 Seen below YouTube video I understand students love using new technologies in their learning. And It makes life easier to teachers and increases their own learning.

ü  Increased ICT capability – once teachers understood the value of utilising ICTs for learning and had increased their own capabilities with the technologies, they were able to incorporate their new expertise into the curriculum. Over time the teachers also developed confidence and encouraged the children to increase their usage of the available equipment. There was evidence across all of the centres of children’s increased capability in using ICTs and the children largely chose the activities that they wanted to be involved in.
ü  Transformation of pedagogical practice that leads to an enhanced community of practice – a shift in power relations transformed teachers’ practice, and children were given the autonomy to lead their own learning. A number of teachers indicated that they had made changes to the way that they interacted with children, the teachers listened more and were less directive, allowing children the opportunity to voice their ideas and thoughts.
ü  Enhanced learning outcomes for children – ICT tools were regularly used to enhance children’s learning experiences through the diverse learning opportunities that they provided. ICTs provided methods that helped the children to become more engaged and enabled them to consider their existing interests in new ways. Literacy, in particular, was an area that saw significant enhancement in the ways that children were able to engage with and develop their literacy skills.

I agree my friend ymtengkunuraulia blog post disabled  but highly capable. she mentioned that many ways we can help child with disabilities increase their skills and abilities using ICT tools . 


Hatherly, A. (2009), ICT and the greatest technology: A teacher’s mind. Early Childhood Folio, 13, 7-11

Amplivoxsound. (2011). Top 10 reasons to use technology in education: iPad, tablet, computer, listening centers. [Video]. Retrieved March 11, 2013,

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